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Artist journal

Sam Rachamin
Oct 6, 20231 min read
Easy on the eyes
Hey everyone here is a small text I wrote about why I paint from reality?
For many years I was imprisoned by my imagination due to some e

Sam Rachamin
Sep 4, 20233 min read
Easy on the eyes exhibition
As an Israeli painter, my artistic journey has taken me on a captivating odyssey across continents, and now, with great excitement, I...

Sam Rachamin
Apr 6, 20221 min read
A new painting is born
Hair drying Oil on linen 115x87 cm I don't know if the painting is finished but i think it is complete, I might add or change some things...

Sam Rachamin
Jan 26, 20221 min read
My latest painting Arcadia
Arcadia somewhere between Paris and Rome 120X215 c"m oil on linen The main place from which this painting is inspired is a small pond in...

Sam Rachamin
May 24, 20201 min read
The new painting "super sum zero"
my latest painting "zéro saum hero"
162x130 c"m oil on linen.
I experimented some different directions this time

Sam Rachamin
Apr 16, 20201 min read
Sandra smoking portrait tutorial with in-depth explanation (Part 1)"
It took me years of painting in different methods and techniques travelling through different countries experimenting with different...

Sam Rachamin
Apr 5, 20205 min read
Questions and answers
I am a painter, and always have been. I see the world in visual terms. For me, painting is seeing. I see the world as beautiful,

Sam Rachamin
Apr 1, 20203 min read
"The Plague at Ashdod"Lets defeat the pandemic together (digitaly)
(the painting above "The Plague at Ashdod" is by Nicolas Poussin, 17th century classical painter) and it is part of the louvre’s collection,

Sam Rachamin
Feb 28, 20201 min read
Why beauty matters by Roger Scruton
A great video that I agree with artisticly and philosophically from Sir Roger Scruton documentary Why beauty matters: All art is...

Sam Rahamin
Feb 12, 20201 min read
A première coup with Sandra
Making a colour sketch for Sandra's portrait,
I made an alla prima painting

Sam Rachamin
Feb 11, 20207 min read
10 Questions from Jackson's art prize about my studio practice:
1. Where did you first find your passion for painting? I have been drawing and painting before I learned to speak. There are photos of me...

Sam Rachamin
Oct 14, 20191 min read
Paintings from the workshop in Provence
I had a great time painting in the south of france with julian and many other new friends it was beautiful, they are all oil on linen...

Sam Rachamin
Sep 27, 20191 min read
Andromeda was chained to the rocks, and set free by Perseus here!!!
Good bye tel Aviv-Yafo , you are beautiful, it was great!!! A special thanks to my friends that made my visit worth wild and more...

Sam Rachamin
Sep 22, 20191 min read
Back in Israel painting in Tel-Aviv yafo
My first Sea scape of tel Aviv yafo, The ocean is so soothing and calming in the background, no one could have bothered me even if they...

Sam Rachamin
Sep 17, 20191 min read
“Abraham’s prophesy" oil on linen 81x82
“Abraham’s prophesy" oil on linen 81x82 This is the first commission painting I have ever made, it is also the first biblical painting I...

Sam Rachamin
Sep 11, 20191 min read
My latest painting "lavender Fields near Sault " oil on wood 123x50.5 c"m here are a few close-ups
I hope you enjoy #flowers #painting #landscapepainting #samrachamin סאם רחמין #סאםרחמין

Sam Rachamin
Aug 29, 20191 min read
workshops in Paris are fun, this time we painted at Luxembourg gardens!!!
I stared painting & didn't realize this was going to become a demonstration painting. Paris is truly beautiful in the summer, Join me on...

Sam Rachamin
Aug 29, 20191 min read
Another successful tour in the Louvre
I feel so fortunate to live in a cultural center, to be able to share my love for art and painting with other people. thank you Lindsey...

Sam Rachamin
Aug 21, 20191 min read
New paintings from Paris and Provence, available at my online store for a limited amount of time
from prolonged multi layered paintings to premier coups, I have painted these in the south of France and in Paris

Sam Rachamin
Aug 6, 20191 min read
la camionette a la villetteHuile sur toile 27x33
It feels good to be back in Paris, And paint these quick premier coups, la camionette a la villette Huile sur toile 27x33 #premiercoup...
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