Pulling a rabbit out the hatSam RachaminMay 28, 20191 min read... or a bunny without a hat, and it's not a real bunny it's "last years Easter bunny" made out of chocolate, the chocolate became white and the aluminum foil looks like it exploded so obviously I had to paint it. #bunny #rabbit #rabbitoutthehat #lindtchocolate #chocolate #oilpainting #realism #samrachamin #Easterbunny
... or a bunny without a hat, and it's not a real bunny it's "last years Easter bunny" made out of chocolate, the chocolate became white and the aluminum foil looks like it exploded so obviously I had to paint it. #bunny #rabbit #rabbitoutthehat #lindtchocolate #chocolate #oilpainting #realism #samrachamin #Easterbunny
Get Your FREE Ticket to Art Capital at the Grand Palais!I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in Art Capital at the stunning Grand Palais( as said in the last post), and I have a...
Exhibition at the Grand PalaisExciting News: My Artwork was Selected for the Salon des Artistes Français Exhibition in Paris! I’m absolutely thrilled to share some...