Master copy courses
Master copy : Copying and painting the old masters
This traditional way of learning art, by copying Old Masters, using traditional techniques mediums, underpainting, grisaille tempera and oil techniques to acquire the secret skills and abilities of old masters.
If you are interested in being a copyist for an extended period of time, please note that the authorization process for copyists is complicated, takes some time, and might include multiple visits to the museum prior to copying there.
Applicants must be interviewed by museum representatives and wait for approval in a process that may take from one month to one year. I normally will teach in the museum twice a week for 3 hours each time for 3 months/6 months/9 months depending on the museum and copyist abilities.
There are a few criteria's you will need to fulfill as an applicant:
1.Applicants must be interviewed by museum representatives and wait for approval in a process that may take from one month to one year.
2.you will have to physically be present in Paris in order to meet with me and the museum representative at least twice on different occasions.
3.come to the museum a few times in order to decide which painting you will be copying, and pass interviews in French (with my assistance).
4. artistic cv declaring yourself as professional or amateur painter
5.A letter describing the reason you want to copy in the museum and why that particular painting (in French)
6.Then the museum will have a committee go over your portfolio of past works (and all of the above papers) and they decide if you are entitled to copy in the museum or not (in case you are not the payment is non refundable).
7.later if you feel that you need more guidance or lessons you can buy 3 /6 /9 months of art lessons with me (depending on the museum as well).
8.Note that the time for copying in the museum is very limited and that we are allowed to copy in the museum only from September to June.
there are holidays, strikes, and many other different reasons that can get in the way of our artistic process,
9. Art tools and Materials:The museum provides an easel but nothing else.
canvas, colors, medium, brushes, palette, or rags, it is up to you as the applicant to buy your own materials.
If this process seems to you intimidating and difficulte you can hier my services for Enlisting in the museum as a copyist with assistance and guidence for 399€-I will do my best to connect you to museum representative, help in communication,translate, give advice, general information and help you become a copyist.
after all the administrative procedure is over the package also includes two first lessons for free.
This purchas enables you to begin the process of becoming a copyist in a Parisian museum,I will do my best to help and guide you as a copyist in the museum but I canot garentee it, since it depends on the museum's decision , in case we have started the process of inlisting and the museum refuses to except your application or cancels your permit to copy, there will be no refund or money back.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to obey and work within the rules of the museum, if he/she does not do so the museum will have the right to confiscate the copy and cancel the copyist permit.
In such a case sam rachamin has no liability or guarantee towards the copy/applicant/painting/process/refund/copying-permit or any thing of that sort.
*If you are already enrolled as a copyist in the museum and you would like to learn from me you are welcome to book lessons as described below
1 - Courses on a daily/monthly rate for individuals.
(by purchasing any of these courses you agree to all that is written above)
Enlisting in the museum as a copyist with assistance and guidence : 399€
Two weekly lessons in the museum (6 hours of instruction): 190€
3 months copying in the museum with lessons and guidence : 2280€
6 months copying in the museum with lessons and guidence : 4480€
9 months copying in the museum with lessons and guidence : 6780€
+Add a painting kit for 190 euros to any work shop by requesting it after purchasing the course\lesson\tour (by Email) the kit – and includes an Easel, turpentine, brushes, paints, rags, and surface are included.